Cathy Davis LMT Over 30 years experience
RI License #00363
"Professional massage with results "
Office: 39 Monticello Road, Pawtucket, RI

Speak to us directly
~ CALL ~ 401. 216. 7092
Questions? Email (click here)

Learn easy, effective techniques from
a pro with over 28 years experience.

Cathy offers classes for massage therapists wanting to learn new techniques, or how to integrate other styles of bodywork (Effective easy deep tissue work for the back, neck, basic thai, stretching, etc.), or how to improve body mechanics so you don't burn out your hands or back. (READ BELOW)
No experience, but eager to learn? Community classes are wonderful way of learning how to efficiently and effectively massage another person. ALSO Don't forget your dog! Learning how to apply basic massage to your your dog, using easy, trust building, compassionate touch.
COMMUNITY CLASSES & Personal Teaching Sessions Small Group, One on one *
If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about massage so that you can do it yourself, take one of Cathy’s popular classes. Each class is about 30 minutes - 1 hour. If you can’t attend a scheduled class, set up a one-on-one session or bring a few friends for a private class, or even one on one private sessions! * Travel costs may apply
Available to come to your home, wellness center, school.
Head, Neck, and Shoulders Massage Class: Learn a basic over-the clothing massage techniques using hands to effectively relieve tension. (Reciever person is sitting and practioner standing)
Foot Massage & Basic Reflexology Class: Learn basic massage techniques for the feet and hands, incorporating reflexology into this easy sequence. Excellent for arthritis, bunions or plantar fasciitis.
Back Massage and Thai Techniques Class: Learn basic techniques for hand and body to relieve back stiffness as well as basic back stretches to increase spine motion.
Dog Massage: Learn easy-to-perform massage for your dog’s hips, back, shoulders and neck in this
one-on-one class. Your dog will love it! Dog massage increases your dog’s trust and confidence with you, especially if your dog has arthritis, stiff shoulders, or hip stiffness. ($40 / 30 minutes) *
Typically $40 each person. Each class is about 30 minutes . Prices may vary by number of students in each class.
Are you a professional massage therapist ready to add new, easy techniques to your practice. Do you not have time or money for a full weekend workshop? Are you a new therapist just starting out who wants to learn how to work smarter, not harder? Do you want to learn easy, effective massage techniques, stretching, working in sidelying, or just add pampering to your clients with spa towel use, paraffin wax, warm stones. Excellent for those wanting to learn skills for: sciatica, carpul tunnel, whiplash, chronic upper back, shoulders, and low back stiffness.
Call now to set up an appointment to mentor one-on-one or as a small group of therapists!
FEE: Typically $80 per hour, but may vary depending on option chosen